Best Shorts Whānau Mārama NZIFF 2021 Official Selection.

We are delighted to announce that Washday has been selected for the Best Shorts Competition at the 2021 Whānau Mārama New Zealand International Film Festival. We are humbled to be selected to stand alongside our esteemed peers, filmmakers and creators. Thank you to the Talent Development team at the New Zealand Film Commission, our partners and whānau and friends.

Six short films have been selected by this year’s Guest Selector, award-winning actress and filmmaker Kerry Fox, as finalists for Whānau Mārama New Zealand International Film Festival’s (NZIFF) New Zealand’s Best Short Film Competition.

The six finalists are Datsun (dir: Mark Albiston), Hot Mother (dir: Lucy Knox), Only F**ks Pat Me On The Head (dirs: Steph Miller, Paul Wolfram), Tūī (dir: Awa Puna)Washday (dir: Kath Akuhata-Brown) and When We Were Kids (dir: Josephine Stewart-Te Whiu). 

NZIFF Best Shorts Official Announcement 2021


Washday sound track released